
Our Care business focuses on building and supporting technology that helps people live healthier, happier lives. DIGION is a leader in the med tech industry through development of cloud-connected medical devices that transform care for people with chronic pain related to injury or disease.

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Our Care Business

Technology for healthier, happier lives.

It began over 15 years ago with the invention of a machine that helped people track chronic pain incidents and manage that pain through biorhythmic feedback. And it continues today with digital health solutions that help people manage the risk of opioid addiction and overdose
DIGION cloud-connected medical devices
transformational care

DIGION is a leader in the med tech industry through the development of cloud-connected medical devices that transform care for people with chronic pain related to injury or disease.  

innovative technologies

DIGION Care is committed to a promising future by developing innovative technologies, services and solutions, helping the healthcare community improve safety and increase efficiency.native applications.

Fake Gotham Medical Center
strategic partnerships
Partnership with University of Gotham Med Center

Through strategic partnerships with University of Gotham Med Center, DIGION with its recent acquisition of AalertMed has developed treatments and technologies to target a range of pain-related conditions.

AalertMed's comprehensive health record-integrated software platforms support the professionals and caregivers who help people stay healthy, living through pain, in the home or care setting of their choice. DIGION’s medical technology focuses on changing outcomes for patients and prides itself on innovation and holds multiple patents on their platform technology. In October 2022, AalertMed was granted FDA Breakthrough Device designation for their Suprallay™ device and treatment approach.

spotlight on suprallay™
+50,000 Units Sold

Suprallay™ is a consumer-worn device that leverages a sensor inserted under the patient’s skin.

Smart Phone Integration

Suprallay™ communicates with both the patient and provider to support pain management needs and safety.

+1000 Lives Saved

The ability to detect, report and alert for the presence opiods and benzodiazepines is game-changing technology in the battle against opioid-related overdoses and deaths.

Fake imkage of Suprallay medical device

Suprallay™ is a consumer-worn device that utilizes a sensor inserted under the patient’s skin. Leveraging our proprietary RapiCheck™ technology, Suprallay monitors both neuro-transmitted pain signals as well as blood-based drug concentration levels to help patients reduce their dependence on opioids to manage chronic pain. One feature of Suprallay is that it connects to a patient’s smart phone to provide the patient with critical notifications as well as treatment support.

Via the smart phone connection, Suprallay also transmits data back to AalertMed’s central servers, feeding a web-based provider portal and related electronic health records that allow a patient’s healthcare provider to monitor patient condition. Notably, the system is designed to alert a health care provider when one of their patients is experiencing a significant pain event that is not being effectively controlled through medication OR when the sensors detect a measurable presence of both opioids and benzodiazepines (or ‘benzos’) in the patient’s blood.

This ability to detect, report and alert for these two substances is game-changing technology in the battle against opioid-related overdoses and deaths. While studies vary, the combination of opioids and benzos leads to a significantly increased risk of overdose death as compared with patients using an opioid-only treatment approach.



Life changing